Toddler II

“Our children learned so many academic things at North Wall  but also learned to be kind and loving to their classmates due to the structure of your wonderful school. I know that my husband and I are also better parents, also learning from you and your school.”

~Susan Marshall, CPA

Dianna Stecker

BA Elementary Education

AA Early Childhood Education

Teacher: child ratio 1:7

Maximum class size: 14

Ages of children: 2 – 4 years

Personal Background

I received my AAS​ in Early Childhood from SFCC in 2002.  I have worked in Early Childhood Education for over 20 years, the last 19 here at North Wall Schools with the Infants through Preschool as well as Transitional Kindergarten. I was blessed to ​attend Whitworth University starting in the fall of 2017, and I graduated in May 2020 with my BA in Elementary Education after completing my student teaching at Shiloh Hills Elementary. I am currently working on my master’s and am excited for what this school year has to offer with your students!

Teaching Philosophy

I believe in showing respect, dignity and appreciation for the uniqueness of each student. I respect the family and culture with which each child is blessed. I will provide engaging activities that follow the student’s curiosity and expand the student’s mind using discovery-based and problem-solving approaches to the curriculum. I will create and maintain a safe and healthy environment that fosters the student’s academic, social, and spiritual growth.

Goals for the Class

·  To show all students that they are loved and respected, and that their thoughts are important in our classroom community.

· To provide students with the opportunity to problem solve through their learning.

· To foster a community where students work collaboratively. 

· To create a learning environment that engages each student’s mind and soul

Class Schedule

8:00 – Greeting, free choice centers, snack

9:00 – Circle

9:30 – Centers, bathroom

10:00 – Outside

10:30 – Continue centers

11:00 – Music & movement

11:15 – Lunch, bathroom

12:00 – Teacher reading, quiet reading on mat

12:30 – Nap, quiet resting

2:30 – Wake up, batheroom, snack

3:15 – Outside

4:00 – Centers, snack, bathroom

4:30 – Clean-up, get ready to go home, snack

5:00 – Close of school